Why Do People Believe Tom Cruise is Gay?


While Risky Business is often regarded as Tom Cruise’s breakthrough role, it was the 1986 Tony Scott film Top Gun that set him on the path to becoming one of our generation’s greatest action stars.

Despite being the face of the stereotypically macho genre, Cruise has been dogged by gay rumours for years, some more ridiculous than others.

Let’s dissect some of the most outlandish theories about Cruise’s sexuality.

4 Stranger Than Fiction Tom Cruise Gay Rumours

Before we talk about some of the strange rumours that have been spread about Tom Cruise over the course of his career, we need to make it clear that everything on this list is just a guess.

None of the rumours have been proven to be true, and it’s likely that they are just tabloid fodder.

Mimi Rogers’ “Real” Reason for Divorcing Tom

Before his high-profile marriages (and divorces) with Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes, Tom was married to Mimi Rogers, who played Mimi in the movie Gung Ho. He met Mimi at a dinner party in 1986. Even though Cruise said he wasn’t quite ready to get married, the two actors got married in 1987 in upstate New York.

The marriage was sad because it only lasted two years. The divorce was finalised in 1990. What’s going on? In an interview with Playboy in 1993, Rogers said that Cruise was “seriously thinking about becoming a monk,” which made it sound like he had given up women while they were married.

Why Do People Believe Tom Cruise is Gay

“At least for now, it seemed like marriage wouldn’t meet his spiritual needs as a whole. He thought that being single was the only way to keep his instrument clean. “I needed to have my instrument tuned,” she said.

When it came out that Cruise didn’t want to sleep with his wife, many people thought that he didn’t have any sexual interest in her or any other woman. Rogers, on the other hand, never really talked about the fact that Cruise was gay.

Scientology Has Provided a “Cure” for Queerness

Since Rogers brought him into the Church of Scientology, Cruise has been a key figure in this mysterious movement. People who are not part of the religious movement, like Cruise, don’t understand it and make a lot of assumptions about it.

One of these ideas is that Scientology encourages homophobia and tries to change gay people into straight people. Because of this, some people thought that Cruise joined Scientology to “cure” his supposed “homosexuality.”

Former gay members of the church have talked about what it was like for them, but neither Cruise nor anyone close to him has ever confirmed any theories about his religion and how it relates to his sexuality.

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Why Do Some People Believe Tom Cruise is Gay?

There is no easy answer. The fact that a celebrity is gay is juicy gossip that people love to hear. People are curious about Tom Cruise because of his fiery personality, mysterious private life, loyalty to a religious movement that is said to mistreat LGBTQ+ people, and string of failed relationships.

Salon says that Cruise used “the same things that have made him a gay icon”—”a classic face, a great body, and a tendency to play parts that aren’t clear-cut in terms of their sexuality.”

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Cruise says he doesn’t understand why people keep saying he’s gay when he’s not. He’s straight.

Why Do People Believe Tom Cruise is Gay

“First of all, it’s not a charge. I didn’t hear about these things until three months ago. Cruise told Vanity Fair, “I don’t get it.” “I’ve heard everything, from that I cheated on my wife to that my wife was on the set of The Firm because she didn’t like my love scene on the beach. People say what they want, but it’s not true.”

When asked if performers can be honest about their sexuality and still be “giant movie stars” like him, Cruise said, “I feel like anything is possible now.” Naïve? I don’t think that’s an issue anymore, though.”

“Myself? “I don’t care,” Cruise said. “I don’t care if people are from Mars,” the star said. Nope. Straight. Gay. Bisexual. Catholic and Jewish.”

So, Tom Cruise is Gay or Not?

Cruise has been very open about the fact that he is gay. It might be impossible to convince Cruise that he is not gay. Also, making him out to be gay or spreading rumours about his sexuality has turned out to be dangerous for the people who have done it.

At the end of the day, it looks like we have to accept that Cruise is not your typical Hollywood star. But maybe that’s how we should see all famous people to begin with: as complicated people whose inner lives we may never fully understand.

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